Jul 31, 2007

Mission statement

One thing I have always loved, ever since I was a kid, was reading
It was hard to not love reading growing up with only books
-No barbie, No video game, No toys
Because I loved reading, I cannot help wanting to one day publish my own book
But what will it say? Why would people buy it? and what format will it be?
Even if I have my own book on my two years at Berkeley, what will its main theme be?
How I managed to balance between school work and relationship?
How I achieved the goals I set for myself before business school?
How I spent 2 years of my life trying to figure out what I wanted to do?
How I came to find my true passion?
What lessons will I learned at Haas?
or just simply provide my perspective of an MBA life?
Maybe it will have categories- friendship, competition, pleasure ....(no romance though..)
Maybe it will be in a column format like sex in the city
Maybe it will have several charcters representing different sterotypes of MBA students
Maybe it will be organized by bullet points
Maybe it will just be in a dairy-like setting
Whatever it is, I will not stop writing!

Jul 28, 2007


Here I am...waiting for my flight to SF at HK airport..I miss mom very much already

不從甚麼時候開始就發現媽咪有返老還童的趨勢 (a sign turning into an adult..)


在我心裡一直有個畫面驅動著我努力的向前, 就是當我功成名就, 我能讓所有人知道, 如果沒有我母親就不會有今天的我 (雖然很多時候我一而再的讓她失望與難過) 因為媽咪在我很小的時候就告訴了我, 如果要成功, 就要走別人不願意走的路, 養成了我吃苦耐勞與自律的性格且無條件接受的支持我

I only hope she is proud of me as much as I am proud of her

Jul 25, 2007

2 days before heading Berkeley

And I still haven't finish packing...I have been on too many business trips that I know I can pack in three hours if I need to.

This week have been just saying goodbye to my close friends ( no big farewell party), spending more time with mom and yes, trying to confirm my housing. It took quite an effort to get so many people to rent this beautiful Eco house but I am sure all the effort will be worthwhile.

Everyone who has or hasn't been to MBA are all telling me to just enjoy myself. However, I will never forget advice that Eric and Stephan gave me ( I love receiving good advice as much as giving them.. ):
A. Write down your three goals- 1. to learn to be a better leader. I want to trying to be a leader who can lead a team to accomplish something with impact. I know I need to be more open-minded on opinions while forcing an issue through with credibility. I need to take more risk.
2. To learn how to evaulate a company/deal with numbers and find an interm that is finance related ( evaluating the return of a project etc) 3. to develop a hobby (glof? wine tasting?) 4. to know everyone in the program and network as much as possible
B. take courses that you really enjoy ( want to try the human resource course as suggested by Vincent) and don't do the Chinese thing- hang out with people from various background

Just writing these goals alreayd make me super excited. Everyone says I will have a great time at Berkeley. I will because I know there will be no other time in my life I can be as laid back as I will in the next 2 years.