Jun 15, 2008

Just before the summer internship

Today is the last day of my summer vacation. Starting from tomorrow, I will be working 16 hours per week. I am less concerned about the specific skill that is required to do the job but worry more about how I will manage to make zero mistakes when I only have less than 5 hours of sleep per day. It may sound funny but for some reasons I find it hard to articulate to people why I had chosen investment banking for my summer. Perhaps it's the challenge? the money? the desire to go to PE post-MBA? my curiosity? or a little bit of everything?

Then a document saved me. While I was going through some old folders on my laptop, I found this career leader report that was analyzed for us before we came to Haas. It was very interesting to re-read it since it gave me a logical answer to my previous question: I chose it because it's pretty consistent with my interest. My #1 interest is " Influence Through Language and Ideas" so the report suggests that " sales is a natural fit for you. Deal-oriented financial-services positions may also appeal strongly to you if you also have an interest and some skill in Quantitative Analysis" Who knows, I might end up enjoying the hectic IB job

For whatever reason you decided to try something new, don't assume what your experience will like beforehand. Embrace it with an open mind and I am sure you will be fine in the end

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