Feb 29, 2008

Cold call

Cold call is a very commonly tool used by "enthusiastic" professors who want to make sure that students are paying attention in class. This semester, our macro professor is one of those enthusiastic professors. No matter how good you think you are in macroeconomics, at some point you will be cold called with absolutely no clue what to say. I am always amazed at how creative my classmates can get when this happens to them. Here are some of my very favorites:

Professor Ross "So why can we assume a fixed interest rate in the Mundell-Fleming model?"
Spaced out Student "Because the interest rate is fixed?"

Professor Ross "How does the Fed decrease the money supply?"
Confused student "By taking money out of the money supply."

Professor Ross " Does anyone know why Zimbabwe is experiencing a hyper-inflation?"
Clever student who is trying to buy time " Well..it's my pleasure to be here and thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer this question.."

The lesson I learned is that when you have absolutely no idea what to say under a rather stressful environment, why not try a little humor?

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